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Nancy Bio Picture

Sister Nancy Martin

Sister Nancy Martin is currently the Clergy in charge of Ascension in Hinton, West Virginia. 

Here is my life, so far, in a nutshell!

Born and grew up in small town in Michigan →Daughter of the small town doctor who made house calls in the middle of the night → Big Ten university education →worked as a printer/graphic artist →came to West Virginia as a back-to-the-land hippie →lived with husband Darrell on Freezeland Mountain, as hermits → slowly rejoined society (still working on that part!) →had kids →came back into the church →owned local print shop →became LPN →worked as RN for 20 years →served as deacon →ordained January 6, 2023 as priest, and blessed to be serving Ascension!

My favorite image from church is two-year-old Kaiser swinging from the communion rail during the sermon. And church went on!

My favorite feeling from church is that ‘peace that passes understanding’ that sometimes comes over us when the spirit is present and makes us one!



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